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Each year, hundreds of teaching and subject experts from the tertiary and school education sectors assist with the delivery of public examinations. They undertake different roles in the assessment and examination processes, including examination design, question paper development, marking and grading, invigilation as well as supporting the proper conduct of School-based Assessment at schools.

Each of these roles allows our examination personnel to develop professionally and make a significant contribution to public assessment. Throughout the various processes, we ensure that they have ample resources, support and guidance to carry out their duties. We also provide them with full administrative support, detailed instructions, and appropriate training.

Types of examination-related work
A. Public Examination
Moderation Committees
Moderation committees, each comprising a Chief Examiner, a setter or co-setters, moderators and a subject manager, are responsible for the development of question papers and marking schemes. Members of the moderation committee include university academics, secondary school teachers, curriculum officers and subject specialists.

Nominations for moderation committee members are invited from subject committee members and chief/assistant examiners, and through open invitation for nominations from school principals conducted on a regular basis. To become a moderation committee member, you will need to be:

  • currently teaching the relevant subject or have taught the subject in recent years;
  • experienced and innovative in teaching/setting examination questions;
  • kept up-to-date in your subject area and able to contribute to the process of examination paper development;
  • having significant professional responsibilities (e.g. as a panel chairperson).

Please refer to the HKDSE Quality Assurance Framework booklet for more details.


Their main responsibility is to mark candidates' examination scripts according to the agreed marking scheme and procedures. All markers are required to undertake rigorous training and to be qualified for marking. Chief examiners and, where necessary, assistant examiners (who are experienced professionals with a thorough understanding of the respective subject papers) are appointed to oversee and ensure the quality and reliability of marking, through checkmarking and regular monitoring of markers’ standard and consistency.

To become a marker, you will need to:

  • have the relevant academic and professional qualifications;
  • be currently teaching the relevant subject; or
  • have taught the relevant subject in recent years.

Markers for the HKDSE are recruited through open recruitment. Applicants are selected based on a points system which takes into account applicants' academic qualifications, and teaching and marking experience. To apply for a marker position, please visit the career section.


Marking assistants
Marking assistants are appointed to mark objective items in the English Language papers onscreen.

To become a marking assistant, you will need to:

  • be a full-time undergraduate or postgraduate student majoring in Education, English, English-related field of study;
  • have obtained level 4 or above in HKDSE English Language; or a C grade or above in AS Use of English.

Learn more about the marking procedures for written papers.


Centre supervisors, invigilators and waiting room supervisors
These positions are mainly taken up by teaching staff from schools participating in public examinations. Invigilators will also be recruited openly should there be insufficient school staff for the positions.

B. School-based Assessment (SBA)

SBA Supervisor
SBA Supervisor are responsible to the HKEAA for the proper monitoring of SBA; they oversee the appointed District Coordinators, make necessary arrangements with District Coordinators to familiarise them and subject teachers with the SBA, and to align assessment standards, as well as make recommendations regarding SBA moderation.


District Coordinators
Their main responsibilities are to provide guidance and support to schools in the implementation of SBA, inspect assessment records provided by schools, and report schools' progress in conducting the SBA to the HKEAA.


Assessors (for relevant subjects only)
Their main responsibility is to review samples of students' SBA work in the moderation process.


SBA personnel are nominated by school principals or selected from amongst experienced markers. To become an SBA personnel, you will need to be:

  • currently teaching the relevant subject or have taught the relevant subject in recent years;
  • experienced and innovative in teaching/conducting the SBA;
  • kept up-to-date in your subject area and able to contribute to the development and conduct of the SBA;
  • having significant professional responsibilities (e.g. as a panel chairperson).

*The work of the HKEAA examination personnel is highly confidential in nature. All examination personnel are required to conduct the examinations in accordance with stipulated procedures. They are required to sign an undertaking not to divulge their appointment or any confidential information to unauthorised persons, nor to be involved in such work that would result in potential conflicts of interest.

In addition, making declarations of interest is strictly required of all examination personnel having access to examination information/materials/documents in order to avoid any potential conflicts of interest. This declaration covers the spouse, immediate family members as well as persons who are residing in the home of the declarant concerned. Teachers who have any connections with the staff or management of a tutorial school should not be nominated by their principals to be invigilators in public examinations.