Prof Wei Xiang-dong

Prof Wei Xiang-dong has assumed the role of Secretary General effective 1 March 2021, providing strategic directions and leadership to over 350 staff members in supporting the administration and delivery of a wide range of examinations and assessment services for the school sector and the public.
Prof Wei has extensive experience in higher education sector in Hong Kong. Prior to joining the HKEAA, he was a Professor of the Department of Economics at the Lingnan University. He was also the Director of Pan Su-tong Shanghai-Hong Kong Economic Policy Research Institute and China Economic Research Programme. He had served as Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Lingnan University, as well as the Supervisor cum Deputy Chairman of the Board of Governors of Lingnan Institute of Further Education. In addition, he founded the Lingnan University STEAM Education and Research Centre to promote STEAM education in Hong Kong. Prof Wei also took up various teaching and research positions in universities in the UK and the Mainland.
Prof Wei is the Vice-President of the Hong Kong Economic Association and a member of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), UK. He had served as a member of the Manpower Development Committee of HKSAR Government and the Board of Joint Quality Review Committee in Hong Kong; and also served as consultant for various governmental organisations in Hong Kong, the UK and the Mainland.
Prof Wei graduated from the Sun Yat-sen (Zhongshan) University in China with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, then he got his Master of Social Science in Money, Banking and Finance, and Doctor of Philosophy in Economics from the University of Birmingham in the UK.
Mr David Wong Chor-fung

Mr Wong Chor-fung, David is the Director – Corporate Services responsible for the overall corporate services of the Authority including project management, finance, human resources, information technology, legal and committee affairs.
He has solid experience from various roles in the HKSAR Government and in the domain of public administration where he held different senior leading positions in the areas of community development, business development, strategic research to operations. Prior to joining the HKEAA, his major responsibilities included management relating to finance, human resources, information technology and office administration, formulation of departmental initiatives and delivering of KPIs as well as stakeholder engagement.
He received his Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the York University, Canada and a Master of Public Administration degree from the University of Hong Kong.
Dr Madeline Xi Xiaoming

Dr Xi Xiaoming Madeline is the Director – Examinations, Assessment and Research. She leads the Assessment Technology and Research Division, the International and Professional Examinations Division and the Education Assessment Services Division, and is in charge of formulating strategies and policies governing research initiatives, promoting assessment for learning, conducting analytics in support of the standards of the HKDSE, operating and improving the TSA project and exploring research/business partnership and collaboration opportunities with external parties.
Dr Xi is an internationally recognised expert in assessment, the interface between learning and assessment, and educational technologies including AI technologies with expertise in educational product R&D, strategy, implementation and growth. She has substantial research experience and published widely on testing, assessment, learning, and educational AI technologies.
Prior to joining the HKEAA in April 2022, she had a long tenure with ETS where she was the Senior Research Director of the Centre for Language Learning and Assessment and subsequently the Executive Director, New Product Development when she left in 2020. She had then taken up the role of Chief of Product, Assessment and Learning in VIPKID. Dr Xi obtained her Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Measurement and Statistics and Language Assessment from the University of California, Los Angeles and Master of Business Administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Prof Ricardo Mak, MH

Prof Ricardo Mak is the Director of Public Examinations and coordinates the work of the Assessment Development Division, the School Examinations and Assessment Division and the Examination Systems Unit. He leads the development and administration of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) and Language Proficiency Assessment (LPA) and is responsible for the implementation, review and enhancement of public examination policies and procedures.
Prior to joining the HKEAA in September 2019, Prof Mak was Professor of History at the Hong Kong Baptist University. There, he served as Head of the History Department and Director of the Advanced Institute for Contemporary China Studies. Prof Mak has previously worked with the Authority in different capacities, from chairing the HKAL and HKDSE History Subject Committee to serving as a member of the Public Examinations Board. He was also a member of the Curriculum Development Council. Prof Mak obtained his Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History and Master of Philosophy in History from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Doctor of Philosophy in History and Political Sciences from the University of Regensburg, Germany.
The Assessment Development Division is responsible for the development of question papers for the HKDSE and Language Proficiency Assessment (LPA), the coordination of marking of scripts and the grading of candidates' performance. The Head of Assessment Development is Ms Choy Siu-kwan.
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The Assessment Technology and Research Division oversees the consistent application of assessment technology, maintaining the standards of the qualifications the Authority confers, conducting quality audit of examination / assessment papers, and carrying out all related research. The Division is led by Dr Siu Wai-lok, the Head of Assessment Technology and Research.
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The Education Assessment Services Division develops and implements the Basic Competency Assessments (BCA) - Territory-wide System Assessment (TSA) in Chinese, English and Mathematics at the primary and secondary levels. The Head of Education Assessment Services is Dr Tenny Lam.
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The Examination Systems Unit is responsible for the examination system operations of the HKDSE and Language Proficiency Assessment (LPA). Its work mainly includes examination script scanning services, processing of examination data, dissemination of examination results, compilation of examination statistics and production of statistical reports. The Head of Examination Systems is Mr Raymond Suen.
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The Finance Division handles finance, procurement and sale of publication of the Authority. The Head of Finance is Ms Stephanie Ling.
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The Human Resources and Administration Division deals with recruitment, compensation and benefits, staff training and development, performance management system, facilities management and general administration of the Authority. The Head of Human Resources and Administration is Ms Michelle Choi.
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The Internal Audit Unit is in charge of the internal audit function of the Authority. The objective is to assist the organisation to deliver high quality examinations and assessment services by means of risk and control based approach. Reporting to the Audit Committee and the senior management, the Unit works closely with different stakeholders and divisions/ units to enhance the systems and processes within the Authority. The Head of Internal Audit is Ms Christy Lee.
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The International and Professional Examinations Division implements more than 200 examinations on behalf of around 120 professional bodies, educational institutions, awarding bodies, employers and government departments. The total number of candidate entries is about 300,000 every year. These examinations can broadly be classified under six categories:
- Professional and Vocational Examinations
- Admission and Matriculation Examinations
- Degree Examinations
- Language Proficiency Examinations
- Recruitment Examinations
- Music, Dancing and Arts Examinations
The Head of International and Professional Examinations is Dr Raymond Ng.
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The Information Technology Division develops and operates the computer systems for the local and overseas examinations as well as taking care of in-house administration and financial applications. The Head of Information Technology is Mr Albert Chui.
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The Public Affairs and Communications Unit takes a leading role in strengthening the image of the Authority by sharing concise and accurate information with the public and various stakeholder groups. The Unit reaches out to the media, produces corporate materials, manages the corporate website and supports the Authority in responding to major issues of public interest and concerns. It formulates marketing and corporate communication strategies to raise public’s understanding of the Authority’s policies and services. The Head of Public Affairs and Communications is Mr Jonathan Lai.
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The School Examinations and Assessment Division administers the HKDSE and Language Proficiency Assessment (LPA). The major areas of responsibilities include registration of candidates, arrangement for examination centres, appointment of centre supervisors, invigilators, examination personnel and subject committee members, distribution of question papers and collection of scripts, release of examination results, processing of examination irregularities, appeals and certification of results. The Head of School Examinations and Assessment is Mr Kenneth Chu.
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