We offer a wide range of examinations and assessments to cater for the needs and development of the society. With the introduction of the New Academic Structure, we introduced the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) in 2012 to replace the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) and the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE).
Students can sit for the HKDSE after completing six years of secondary education, in which more diversified subjects and methods of assessments are offered. The HKDSE comprises Categories A, B and C subjects and a Standards-referenced Reporting approach is adopted for reporting the results of Category A subjects.
Recognition of this qualification has been acknowledged and well received by many universities and professional educational bodies both locally and worldwide, offering Hong Kong secondary students a wider choice of pathways to pursue their own interests. Please click here for details of recognition of the HKDSE.
To assist schools in improving their teaching and learning, we are also administering the Territory-wide System Assessment (TSA) for primary schools and secondary schools on behalf of the Education Bureau.
In collaboration with over a hundred examination boards and educational institutions, we conduct a wide range of examinations that help students to pursue further studies overseas or develop their interest in other areas such as music and dance.