What Happens to Answer Scripts Following Examinations?
Every year, tens of thousands of candidates take part in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) and several hundred thousand answer scripts have to be handled by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA). What happens to the answer scripts following the HKDSE written examinations? How are they marked?
To enhance public understanding of the inner workings of the HKDSE, the HKEAA has launched its Virtual Open Day at its Scanning Centre and one of its Assessment Centres, providing a diversified virtual experience through guided tours, videos and presentations.
The Open Day not only shows you how the answer scripts collected from the HKDSE are handled, but also the marking of scripts by markers at our assessment centres. By clicking the 16 virtual locations, you will be able to learn more about the handling and marking of answer scripts following the examinations.
In addition, you can visit the exhibition room of the Open Day to learn how the platforms launched by the HKEAA, including the HKDSE Diagnostic Feedback System and the Assessment Quality-assurance Platform, help schools enhance teaching and learning, promoting ‘Assessment for Learning’; and how the HKEAA enhances the Public Examinations Support System, with functions such as allowing candidates to indicate their attendance in examination with their own smartphone, letting invigilators use smartphones to take attendance and count answer scripts, to increase public examinations’ operational efficiency.
Click here to join us now for the virtual tour of the HKEAA’s Scanning Centre and Onscreen Marking Centre.