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Services to Special Needs Candidates
Territory-wide System Assessment (TSA)

The HKEAA has been entrusted by the Education Bureau to develop and implement the Territory-wide System Assessment (TSA). The main purpose of TSA is to provide the Government and schools with data on students' overall performances in respect of the basic competencies in the three subjects of Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics at the end of Key Stages 1 to 3. The data collected are used to facilitate improvement in learning and teaching.

TSA is mainly conducted by schools for their own students according to the guidelines of the HKEAA. Based on the principle of equal opportunities, schools are advised to make special arrangements in TSA for students with special needs or disabilities to enable them to display their achievements in learning. For details, please refer to the following guidelines:




    Tel. No.: (852) 3628 8181 (Primary)
    Tel. No.: (852) 3628 8191 (Secondary)