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Advanced Placement Exams



2025 AP Exams late entry registration opens from 10:00 am, 27 January 2025 to 9:00 am, 10 February 2025.

Only few subjects with limited seats are available for candidates to consider late entry on a first-come, first-served basis. Click Here for the list of subjects available for the late entry registration.

For registration details, please read the section “Late Entry Registration Details” below

Starting in May 2025, standard paper testing will be discontinued for 28 AP Exams, these exams will move to the College Board’s Bluebook digital testing application. Of the 25 digital exams in 2025 that HKEAA administered, 13 will be fully digital and 12 will be hybrid digital.  Please refer to the section of “Digital AP Exams” below for more details.

For information about Bluebook , please visit Bluebook for Students and AP Exams page. Students should also visit AP Students page from time to time for the most up-to-date information of AP Exams.

Date: 2 January 2025


AP Exams is offered by the College Board of the United States. The Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) is one of the examination centres appointed by the College Board to hold AP Exams in Hong Kong.

More than 4000 universities in nearly 70 countries recognize AP when making admission decisions, course requisites, and awarding university credit. Qualifying AP Scores are used for admissions to universities and can earn university credit and/or advanced placement. Candidates can visit AP Credit Policy Search to find colleges that offer credit or placement for AP Scores. 

Resources for preparing AP Exams are available here.

You may refer to our FAQ section and Enquiry Form to learn more about AP Exams and how to register.


Examination Schedule
AP Exams is usually offered in May every year internationally. Exam date of each subject and other relevant information can be found on AP Courses and Exams


2025 AP Exams Schedule (5 16 May 2025) (click to expand)
Week 1 AM (Start time: 8:00am) PM (Start time: 1:00pm)
Monday, May 5, 2025 •  Biology
•  Latin
•  European History
•  Microeconomics
Tuesday, May 6, 2025 •  Chemistry
•  Human Geography
•  United States Government and Politics
Wednesday, May 7, 2025 •  English Literature and Composition •  Comparative Government and Politics
•  Computer Science A
Thursday, May 8, 2025 •  Statistics •  Japanese Language and Culture
•  World History: Modern
Friday, May 9, 2025 •  Italian Language and Culture
•  United States History
•  Chinese Language and Culture
•  Macroeconomics
•  2-D Art and Design *
•  3-D Art and Design *
•  Drawing *

*Art and Design (2-D, 3-D & Drawing): May 9, 2025 (Friday, 8:00pm ET), is the deadline for AP Art and Design candidates to submit portfolios as final to the AP Program in the AP Digital Portfolio.

Week 2 AM (Start time: 8:00am) PM (Start time: 1:00pm)
Monday, May 12, 2025 •  Calculus AB
•  Calculus BC
•  Music Theory
Tuesday, May 13, 2025 •  French Language and Culture
•  Precalculus
•  Environmental Science
•  Physics 2: Algebra-Based
Wednesday, May 14, 2025 •  English Language and Composition
•  Germane Language and Culture
•  Physics C: Mechanics
Thursday, May 15, 2025 •  Art History
•  Spanish Language and Culture
•  Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
Friday, May 16, 2025 •  Physics 1: Algebra-Based
•  Spanish Literature and Culture
•  Psychology


2025 AP Late-Testing Schedule (19 – 23 May 2025) (click to expand)
AM (Start time: 8:00am) PM (Start time: 1:00pm)
Monday, May 19, 2025 •  Comparative Government and Politics
•  European History
•  World History: Modern
•  English Literature and Composition
•  Human Geography
•  Latin
Tuesday, May 20, 2025 •  Japanese Language and Culture
•  United States Government and Politics
•  United States History
Wednesday, May 21, 2025 •  Computer Science A
•  Microeconomics
•  Statistics
•  Biology
•  Chemistry
•  French Language and Culture
•  Macroeconomics
Thursday, May 22, 2025 •  Chinese Language and Culture
•  English Language and Composition
•  Music Theory
•  Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
•  Precalculus
•  Art History
•  Calculus AB
•  Calculus BC
•  Physics C: Mechanics
•  Spanish Literature and Culture
Friday, May 23, 2025 •  Environmental Science
•  Italian Language and Culture
•  Physics 1: Algebra-Based
•  Spanish Language and Culture
•  German Language and Culture
•  Physics 2: Algebra Based
•  Psychology


Digital AP Exams
Of the 25 digital exams in 2025 that HKEAA administers, 13 will be fully digital and 12 will be hybrid digital.

Candidates must take these examinations at the HKEAA or HKEAA-designated venues by their own devices with the latest version of Bluebook application installed. Please be reminded to check the version the days before exam, and log in to the Bluebook app with their College Board account to locate the upcoming exam under “Your Test” on the application homepage. If the examinations cannot be located, contact AP Services for Students immediately for further assistance.

To know more about Digital AP Exams, please also check the below webpages regularly:


List of Fully Digital AP Exams (click to expand)

Candidates are required to complete multiple-choice and free-response questions in Bluebook.

•  Art History •  Human Geography
•  Comparative Government and Politics •  Latin
•  Computer Science A •  Psychology
•  English Language and Composition •  United States Government and Politics
•  English Literature and Composition •  United States History
•  Environmental Science •  World History: Modern
•  European History


List of Hybrid Digital AP Exams (click to expand)

Candidates are required to complete the multiple-choice questions and view free-response questions in Bluebook. They hand-write the free-response answers in paper exam booklet.

•  Biology •  Physics 1: Algebra-Based
•  Calculus AB •  Physics 2: Algebra-Based
•  Calculus BC •  Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
•  Chemistry •  Physics C: Mechanics
•  Macroeconomics •  Precalculus
•  Microeconomics •  Statistics


List of AP Exams Remaining Unchanged (click to expand)

The AP Exam administration for exams with audio components and exams consisting solely of portfolio assessments are remaining unchanged for the May 2025 AP Exam administration:

•  2-D Art and Design •  Italian Language and Culture
•  3-D Art and Design •  Japanese Language and Culture
•  Drawing •  Music Theory
•  Chinese Language and Culture •  Spanish Language and Culture
•  French Language and Culture •  Spanish Literature and Culture
•  German Language and Culture



Late Entry Registration Details

Late Entry Registration Period

10:00 am, 27 January to 9:00 am, 10 February 2025


Late Entry Examination Fees

Examination fee per subject: HK$2,733

Examination fee per subject for AP Late-testing: HK$3,493

Administration fee per application: HK$525 


If the reason for a candidate taking AP late-testing is having timetable clash with: (a) another AP subject; or (b) an HKDSE Examination; or (c) an IB or Cambridge Examination, taking place at the SAME TIME and DATE, the examination fee under these “specific” special circumstances is HK$3,156 per subject. A candidate having a timetable clash due to taking an AP Exam in other testing locations/cities in the morning and another AP Exam with the HKEAA taking place in the afternoon on the same examination day, or vice versa, will NOT be considered eligible for applying for AP Late-testing under specific special circumstances.
Applicants MUST complete the Form for AP Late-Testing Fee Reduction after successful registration and submit respective examination registration acknowledgement and payment receipt no later than 9:00 am, 10 February 2025. After the supporting document(s) are verified and the special reason is found valid, the extra examination fee paid will be returned to Applicant’s same credit card, Alipay, AlipayHK or WeChat Pay account that used to pay the examination fee within three months after 10 February 2025.


Registration Procedures


Step 1: Applicants are required to create their own registration accounts via the HKEAA International and Professional Examinations Online Services during the above registration period, using a valid email address.
Step 2: Once the account is set up, applicants can login, view the subject availability and register the exams via the HKEAA International and Professional Examinations Online Services by confirming the registration instructions, completing applicant’s and candidate’s personal information (When filling in candidate’s personal information, especially email address, it should EXACTLY MATCH with that in the candidate’s “My AP” Account) and selecting the exams and/or additional service.

Step 3: Once the registration is finalized, payment must be completed using Visa / MasterCard/ Alipay / AlipayHK / WeChat Pay via online payment system and the registration is only considered successful when the payment is successfully processed.

After successful registration, applicants can create their accounts with the applicant’s email address at the HKEAA International and Professional Examinations Online Services to view their examination entries. The HKEAA will transmit candidates’ registration to College Board after registration deadline. No join code will be sent to applicants and candidates.



Candidates must be born AFTER 31 May 2004 and currently enrolled in or affiliated with a high school. This includes:

  1. candidates who enrolled at a high school but testing at another test center.
  2. high school-level candidates who are homeschooled, participate in independent study, or attend a virtual school.
  3. younger candidates who are not yet enrolled in high school (i.e. below ninth grade) but are prepared to take an AP Exam.
  4. recent high school graduates who need a specific AP Exam for university admission.

Candidates MUST NOT register for the same AP Exams at two different schools or test centres. Applicants/candidates are responsible for dropping the subjects at other schools and/or test centres prior to registering with the HKEAA. If double registration is found, the duplicated examination(s) in the HKEAA may be cancelled without further notice. The HKEAA will not take any responsibilities for any unsuccessful registration due to double registration.

For more details, please read and download the “Notes to Applicants”.


My AP Account
Important notes:
  1. Before registering for the AP Exams with the HKEAA, candidates MUST create their My AP account with the legal name on the ID document presented at the examinations.
  2. If candidates have already created a College Board account for SAT® or other College Board programs or registered for other AP courses or examinations at other testing locations, provide the SAME candidates’ personal information — especially name, date of birth, sex, mailing address, school code and email address.
  3. If the above is failed to do so, candidates will not be able to view the registration and access AP Scores in the same account. If candidates are taking Digital AP Exams, they will not be able to view the upcoming exams under “Your Test” on the homepage of the Bluebook application and take the examination on the examination day. 
  4. Inconsistent/incomplete information can result in FAILURE OR DELAY in access to exam details and Scores.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the eligibility if I register AP Exams through the HKEAA?

You must be born AFTER 31 May 2004 and currently enrolled in or affiliated with a high school. This includes:

  1. candidates who enrolled at a high school but testing at another test center.
  2. high school-level candidates who are homeschooled, participate in independent study, or attend a virtual school.
  3. younger candidates who are not yet enrolled in high school (i.e. below ninth grade) but are prepared to take an AP Exam.
  4. recent high school graduates who need a specific AP Exam for university admission.

You do not have to enroll in AP courses.


Can I take AP Exams in mainland China (or other regions) and Hong Kong in the same year?

You can take AP Exams at different test centres that are located in different regions within the same year.  You should verify the examination schedules of each subject before registration to avoid any timetable clash or conflicts. 

However, you CANNOT register the SAME AP subject at another schools and/or test centres. You must request the schools and/or test centres to drop the examination before registering with the HKEAA.   The HKEAA will not assist in examination transfers to or from another test centre nor take responsibilities for unsuccessful registration due to double registration.

REMINDER: You MUST enter the same personal information, especially name, date of birth, sex, mailing address, school code and email address, in order to link the registration details with your My AP account.



What should I do if I want to take more than one AP exams scheduled on the same day and time?

If there is timetable clash on the subjects you want to enroll, you may consider taking either one of the exams in the AP Late-Testing period.

The AP Late-Testing fee under the reason of two or more AP Exams on the same date at the same time is HK$3,156 per subject.
You are required to pay the full amount for your AP Late-testing subject at the time of registration. After registration, complete and submit the Form for AP Late-Testing Fee Reduction with your examination registration acknowledgement and payment receipt. The form has to be submitted no later than 9:00am, 10 February 2025. After your fee reduction application is approved, the extra examination fee will be returned to Applicant’s same credit card, Alipay, AlipayHK or WeChat Pay account that used to pay the examination fee within three months after the end of registration period.

NOTE: The application of the Late-Testing Fee Reduction is only applicable to the AP Late-testing subjects registered in the Late Entry Registration period between 10:00 am, 27 January 2025 to 9:00 am, 10 February 2025.
ne of the exams in the AP Late-Testing period.




What kind of identification documents (ID) I can use to register for the examinations?

To be acceptable for exam registration and admission, your ID must be a valid government-issued ID with your photograph, English name and date of birth that match with the records under HKEAA and your "My AP", for example passport, Hong Kong/Macau Identity Card, or Exit-entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macau.

Resident Identity Card in mainland China is NOT an acceptable ID as it has no English name to verify candidates’ identity.

If your acceptable ID has expired or will be expired by the time of examinations, you are allowed to enter the current document number for registration first.


How can I update my personal particulars after registration at HKEAA International and Professional Examinations Online Services portal?

You can only update your personal information by completing the Enquiry Form together with your payment reference number, full English name and the information to be updated for the HKEAA’s further processing.

After updating your personal information, the HKEAA will send the confirmation email to the email address entered in the Enquiry Form. Please note some updated personal particulars will not be reflected at HKEAA International and Professional Examinations Online Services portal.

If you request to update the personal particulars after the registration period, you must also update such records in your "My AP" account. To update your personal particulars in My AP account, please go to “Account Setting” after logging in to “My AP” or contact AP Services for Students.



What should I do if I need to update my identification document number after registration?

Please note that an update of ID document number is not required after registration completed if candidates’ ID documents have been renewed. HKEAA will not verify candidates’ ID document numbers on exam days.

Provided ID document number will be used for verification if applicants have registered other AP Exams for the same candidate multiple times in the HKEAA system, please always use the same ID document number for future registration, if any.

On the examination day, candidate must be bring a valid government-issued ID with your photograph, English name and date of birth that match with the records under HKEAA and your "My AP", for example passport, Hong Kong/Macau Identity Card, or Exit-entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macau. Resident Identity Card in mainland China is NOT an acceptable ID as it has no English name to verify candidates’ identity.



After registration, can I cancel/change subject/ask for refund?

Exam Cancellation

If you want to cancel your subject registered, raise your request by completing the 2025 AP Exams Cancellation Form.

Change Exam Subject(s)

Candidates cannot request to change their registered subjects after 31 October 2024.


According to Notes to Applicants, fees paid by an applicant who violates the Notes to Applicants, or subsequently withdraws his/her entry, or is absent from the examinations, or whose registration is later cancelled will NOT be refunded. Fees are NOT transferable to another AP test centre, from one examination to another/a later one or used for other purposes.



Where can I obtain the information of examination venue?

The final information on the exam location and seat arrangement for each subject will be listed on candidate's e-admission form. E-admission form will be available for applicants to login and download via the HKEAA International and Professional Examinations Online Services in early April. For details, please read the section “E-Admission Form” below.



Before issuing e-Admission Form, will the HKEAA provide me with certification of registration?

You may apply for “Letter of Certification of Participation” at the time of registration. The letter includes the total number of subjects enrolled, the examination name and date of the FIRST and the LAST AP Exams.

The charge of “Letter of Certification of Participation” is HK$510 per letter. The letter in PDF format will be attached and sent to candidate's email address within one month after the end of the registration period.


E-Admission Form

E-admission form will be available for applicants to download via the HKEAA International and Professional Examinations Online Services around two weeks to one month prior to the examination date. Successful applicant who has not received the e-admission form less than two weeks before the examination date should contact the HKEAA for assistance.

Candidates MUST print their e-admission form on a clean A4 paper to attend the examinations at the assigned time / date / venue as specified on the e-admission form.


Release of Result

AP Score Reports are provided in July by the College Board to the candidates, the colleges and universities designated by the candidates only through “My AP”, and their high schools, if applicable.  An AP Score Report is cumulative and includes grades for all the AP Exams the candidate has ever taken, unless the candidate has requested that one or more grades scores be withheld from a college or cancelled.


Contact Information


    Enquiry Form:

    College Board

    Tel: (1) 212-632-1780
    Fax: (1) 610-2908979
    Email: Email Contact Form



    Personal Data

    Personal data of candidates are used by the HKEAA and the Examination Board for delivery of examination and assessment services. Whether you provide the requested personal data is voluntary. However, if you fail to provide all the data, or if any of the data are inaccurate or incomplete, the HKEAA may not be able to accept your entry or provide all or part of the examination and assessment services. The personal data submitted may also be used for:

    • assisting tertiary institutions and other government / public organizations in their admissions processes;
    • assisting tertiary institutions and other government / public organizations in respect of their requests for information in granting scholarships;
    • assisting tertiary institutions and other government / public organizations to confirm the candidates’ eligibility for financial assistance or other forms of subsidization, in which case, the necessary personal data of the candidates may have to be disclosed to the concerned organizations for verification;
    • certifying candidates’ examination results in response to legitimate requests;
    • processing any refund or payment in relation to the examination;
    • conducting educational research and analysis in an anonymous format in which the identities of candidates are not traceable; and
    • marketing the services and products of the Examination Board (including examination services, courses, events, publications, and other examination materials or resources) subject to the consent of candidates.*

    The HKEAA may also transfer the personal data of candidates to third parties for use for the above purpose or other directly related purposes, including government / public organizations, schools and educational institutions, banks (for processing refund or payment), and service providers providing various administrative or technical services to facilitate the delivery of the examination and assessment services including but not limited to data punching, registration process, dispatch of examination documents, and the capture, disposal or other processing of data.

    In compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, access to all personal data will be made available, on payment of a fee, to anyone who can establish his / her right to be informed of such data as are retained by the HKEAA. Please also note that candidates’ personal data / correspondence / other information received by the HKEAA may be referred to the Examination Board concerned for delivery of examination and assessment services and for any of the abovementioned purposes or other directly related purposes. In general, upon completion of an examination or examination series and all the connecting examination services, the HKEAA will transfer all such data to the Examination Board who will then assume full control of such data. By then, candidates should approach the Examination Board direct for their personal data / information handling policies if necessary.

    *If you have given consent but wish to withdraw your consent for your personal data to be used for this purpose, please send a letter of request to the HKEAA.

    Applicants / Candidates should accept that the HKEAA shall not be responsible for any non-performance of duties where such non-performance has been caused by an act of God, labour strike, natural disaster, governmental action or intervention, riot, or any other cause not reasonably foreseeable and beyond the reasonable control of the HKEAA. The HKEAA, including their contractors and subcontractors, shall not be liable to anyone claiming for any damages which are caused by, arising from or otherwise related to the failure of staff members, examination personnel or the examination centres to comply with the examination regulations, policies or procedures.