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List of Permitted Calculators
List of permitted calculators can be downloaded below.

Please note that calculators are not required to be pad-printed with the "H.K.E.A.A. APPROVED" label for the AIA Examinations.



For information, you may contact the following:

Association of International Accountants (Hong Kong Branch)
Tel: (852) 2845 4982
Fax: (852) 2845 7495
Address: Room 2007, 20/F
King Palace Plaza
52A Shatsui Road
Tsuen Wan
Hong Kong
Website: www.aiaworldwide.com


Association of International Accountants (UK Office)
Tel: (44) 191 493 0277
Fax: (44) 191 493 0278
Address: Staithes 3, The Watermark
Metro Riverside
Newcastle Upon Tyne
NE11 9SN
United Kingdom