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September 2014
Registration for the 2015 HKDSE
Release of 2014 Examination Report and Question Papers
More Recognition of HKDSE
Welcome to HKEAA Open Days 2014
  Registration for the 2015 HKDSE

Registration for the 2015 Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) has begun in mid-September this year and tens of thousands of students from hundreds of schools will participate in the next HKDSE to be held from February to May 2015.

The HKDSE is opened to both school candidates and private candidates. A private candidate who satisfied the requirements set out below may enter for the HKDSE:

  1. The person has sat the previous HKDSE or an equivalent examination, or
  2. The person has reached the age of 19 by 1 January 2015, or
  3. The person has completed or is currently pursuing a non-HKDSE curriculum equivalent to Secondary 6 in 2014/2015.

The registration will end on the 9 October 2014 and private candidates may register via the HKDSE Online Services platform. For details about the registration and examination fees, please click here.

  Release of 2014 Examination Report and Question Papers

The Examination Report and Question Papers (ERQPs) for 24 Category A subjects in the 2014 HKDSE will be available for sale in November.

The ERQPs containing examination questions, examiners’ comments on candidates’ performance, as well as the marking schemes, are useful reference for students who wish to perform better in the examinations.

Samples of candidates’ performance in various subjects in the 2014 HKDSE will be published on the HKEAA corporate website in October and November so as to help candidates understand better the requirements of the examinations.


  More Recognition of HKDSE

Earlier this year the HKEAA has conducted a new round of survey to collect more updates on the recognition of HKDSE from overseas institutions. Updates from about 100 institutions have been received and we are pleased that the HKDSE has attained further recognition by overseas universities.

Over 180 universities in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, as well as Asia Pacific and European countries have published their admission requirements in relation to the HKDSE results. Please click here for details.

To promote further acceptance of the new qualification to employers locally, a seminar was offered in August by the HKEAA and the Education Bureau. In the seminar the new academic structure and the performance of the HKDSE candidates were acquainted. About 60 employers and human resources managers participated in the seminar, and ideas and requirements on the recruitment of senior secondary graduates were discussed and exchanged.


  Welcome to HKEAA Open Days 2014

Students, parents and the public are welcome to visit our assessment centres during our Open days between the 15 and 16 November 2014 to learn more about examination operations, examination procedures and the daily operations of the centres. Visitors can also try out the onscreen marking system.

On the 22 November, we will also organise a series of information seminars on the assessment of four core subjects (Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics and Liberal Studies). Subject managers will be there to explain the techniques to tackle these subjects. Seats are limited and registration will start in mid-October. Visit the HKEAA website for more details.

Enquiries: pa@hkeaa.edu.hk


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