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Application for supplier registration
Application for supplier registration
Supplier registration with the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) is free of charge. Any company wishing to be considered for inclusion in the approved supplier list may apply in writing to the Manager – Procurement, Publication and Printing, HKEAA, 13/F Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessey Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong together with a completed Supplier Registration Form and the following documents:
  • A copy of Business Registration
  • Company information, organisation and business activities etc
  • Product catalogue, if any
  • Job reference

Please click here to refer to the HKEAA's Quality Policy.

Supplier Registration Form

For enquiries, please contact the Finance Division.
Tel : (852) 3628 8267 / 3628 8252
Fax : (852) 3628 8290

Criteria for Inclusion of Suppliers on Approved List
  1. Suppliers may apply for registration with the HKEAA by submitting the required documents as stated above.
  2. The following criteria are used for assessing applications from suppliers:
    • The nature of business and its relevance to the work of the HKEAA, i.e. the goods or services provided would likely be procured by the HKEAA on a regular or need basis
    • The company set up and financial viability (if necessary) – consideration will be given to the financial capability of the company to undertake the job offered by the HKEAA. To safeguard the HKEAA's interest, suppliers may be asked to submit proof of sound financial viability, i.e. financial statements prior to being offered a contract of large monetary value
    • Past experience / client reference – suppliers are expected to have previous experience in the goods provided / services rendered. Such information can be obtained from the company profile or inquiry with other users on the reference list. Consideration will also be made to the number of years the company has been in business, its staffing and experience in working with the Government or other public bodies, etc.
  3. Subject to confirmation of their credentials, those companies that are found acceptable will be included in the List.

Important Notes:
  1. The HKEAA has the absolute discretion in accepting or rejecting an application. Written notification will be issued to successful applicants by the HKEAA whereas unsuccessful applications will not be notified.
  2. The inclusion of the company’s name in the HKEAA’s Approved Supplier List does not imply that the company has the necessary capability/technical abilities for the supply of that category (those categories) of goods or services to the HKEAA. Continued inclusions in the List are subject to regular review and will depend on the companies' demonstrated ability to offer competitive proposals and on their performance in connection with the contracts to which they have been awarded.
  3. The HKEAA reserves the right to review the status of a company as its supplier and suspend or remove a company from the Approved Supplier List at any time without prior notice and without compensation.