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How to join QAMAS
Step 1 – Submission of Application Form
The QAMAS is open to all primary and secondary schools registered in Hong Kong. Interested schools can submit an application to the HKEAA. Application forms can be downloaded here.
Step 2 – Assessment Process
Upon receipt of an application, representatives from the HKEAA will pay visits to the participating school and check relevant supporting documents, in order to assess whether the school is able to meet the accreditation requirements in this scheme.
Step 3 – Accreditation
Upon completion of the assessment, schools meeting the scheme requirements will be accredited and a certificate will be issued for recognition and endorsement.
Step 4 – Regular Surveillance Visits
Accredited schools are required to carry out self-assessment and submit relevant documents to the HKEAA. The HKEAA will conduct regular surveillance visits at the accredited schools on a sample basis.
Step 5 – Renewal of Accreditation
The accreditation must be renewed once every five years. The HKEAA representatives will review the accredited school’s performance records and conduct a full visit to confirm if the school is able to maintain the quality of the examinations and assessments at the standard required by the scheme.