Photocopying Service for Past HKCEE Question Papers
For question papers on or earlier than 2011, the Authority may provide photocopying service for past HKCEE question papers upon request. The photocopying charge is $1 per page. In addition, there is an administration charge of $24 per subject per year for 2007-2011 papers, and $41 per subject per year for 1988-2006 papers.
There is no photocopying service for the listening papers of language subjects (including Chinese Language, English Language and Putonghua).
Ordering Procedure
- Mail, fax or e-mail the completed order form to the Authority.
- The Authority will advise you of the required cost shortly.
- Send a crossed cheque, payable to "Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority" (with your name, contact telephone no. written at the back of the cheque) together with the replied order form, to the Publications Unit, Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, 17 Tseuk Luk Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon.
- When the photocopies are ready (approximately 7 working days), we shall contact you to collect.